Sunday, August 18, 2013

Contemplation on a Sunday morning....

Day One:

Gentle rain falls on a Sunday morning.  My clothes, placed on the line last evening, are getting a second rinse cycle.  Chores stretch out before me this day, already listed and half engaged.  Items to drop off at Sears for a return, a child to be picked up from a friend's sleep over, running low on wine, books to be returned, some to the library and one to the daughter who lends me great reads.   Hopefully no more deep cleaning today, it wears my body out.

A Monday morning work cycle looms close by, for which I am grateful.  (Why did I ever leave that job for a year and then return?  What was I thinking? I gave up a four-day work week and supervisory position, to return a year later to a 5 day week, and a status counted amongst the common workers.  Do I possess any common sense?  Sometimes I wonder.)

Last night I shut down my FB account.  My last FB hiatus was for nine months.  A great way to keep in touch, but also a rather large and wasteful use of my time.  My intent is to take the time I would normally devote on FB, and use it for some more constructive processes.  Like a 10-20 minute meditation.  Some gentle Yoga after waking each day.  A walk around the Lake in the evening, perhaps with a friend?  Getting back in touch with my SELF.  I find FB sometimes to be a way to want to interact with others, but it is only a shallow comparison to real relationship.  Hardly anyone really comments on my page anyway, I feel mostly anonymous.  I think I might WANT to be anonymous right about now.

I've also been terribly tempted to toss my iPhone into a drawer as well.  Or maybe into a lake and really be done with it.  But I have daughters, one of which has been traveling all summer, and they need to be able to get a hold of mom.  But I wish they didn't sometimes.  But there it is.  I can't come completely off the grid just yet.

Hopped on the scale this morning, the morning that I am measuring so much of my current life.  Jeez.  I've never been heavier.  So that needs addressing as well.  Where to start?